Chairperson: Coordinator of the scholarship program:


wesprzyj nas!


December 15, 2019

Great news has reached us this week: we have three new boys in our home ...


November 22, 2019

Our youngest child Emmanuel, who joined us in November, has already undergone specialist treatment of both legs!


May 22, 2019

For all travelers going to Africa and especially Tanzania  it is imperative to inform them to avoid delays on arrival at their airports, do not bring single-use plastic bags. 

May 22, 2019

In October 2014, Gladys (16 years) suffered a spinal injury whilst playing sports in school. Due to lack of funds and expertise, she spent 6 months at home, not able to move her arms or legs, enduring great pain. 

March 23, 2019

We've had visitors! A group of English volunteers from a charity Cricket Without Boundaries came to teach our children basic cricket skills. 

March 3, 2019

Miracle is his name… wrote Maria to us today! Miracle was born on the Valentine's Day but for many complicated reasons he cannot stay with his biological mother.